Call us on: 020 8315 5454

A large number of the projects that we co-ordinate incorporate the redevelopment of existing residential or 'brown-field' sites, usually involving the replacement of the previous buildings with new schemes of a higher density.

A large number of the projects that we co-ordinate incorporate the redevelopment of existing residential or 'brown-field' sites, usually involving the replacement of the previous buildings with new schemes of a higher density. 130 Widmore Road is another example of a tired Victorian property where the value as a development site considerably outweighed existing use value. The previous owners, in conjunction with ourselves and architects Barrett Haskins Designs, successfully negotiated a planning consent for the redevelopment of the site to provide 14 flats and associated car parking. Armed with the benefit of this consent, the Land & Strategic Property Division were duly instructed to handle the disposal of the site, and the joint-venture partnership of Astindale Properties and Chapelwood Homes emerged as the keenest buyers.

Call us on: 020 8315 5454